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Como o tema Desafio foi apresentado pelos vencedores do HIPA 2017

As fotos vencedoras em cada categoria do Prêmio Internacional de Fotografia HIPA representam a melhor tradução dos desafios da vida na visão dos fotógrafos internacionais.

Os textos que explicam cada imagem são descrições de seus autores e por isso foram mantidos em sua forma original:


Vencedor do Grande Prêmio: Arash Yaghmaeian | United States of America

Landfill Ballerina
A girl searching for recyclable items in a landfill in Guwahati, India. A small community
lives inside this landfill and work as a team, some barefooted, sorting through mountains
of garbage for less than $2 a day. They share this landfill with the endangered stork, the
greater adjutant, along with some cows and dogs. The garbage is stacked very high and
is very unpredictable since the ground beneath their feet can collapse at any time. The
stench and fumes from the garbage is strong and heavy with animal feces and worms
swimming everywhere in this ocean of trash. The homes in this community have no
electricity or running water, and people live in an extremely unhealthy environment, with
little to no chance of escaping.


1º lugar Desafio: Giulio Montini | Italy

A Butterfly in Water
A tattooed swimmer competing at the Italian National Paralympic Swimming
Championships. The young man, whose arms are amputated, is the national champion in
the 200 metres individual medley.


2º lugar Desafio: Adel El Masri | Palestinian Territory

Knowledge, the Most Powerful Weapon
A boy on his way to school walks past an armed man in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. Children
in refugee camps often face two options growing up; either join an armed group or attain an education
which would be a stepping stone to a brighter future.


3º lugar Desafio: Mohammad Khorshid | Kuwait

A Fight for Survival
Two white-tailed eagles fight over food in the cold Hungarian plains. The majestic adults duel with one
another, sometimes to the death, in a bid to rein supreme and ensure they are well fed during the harsh
winter months.


4º lugar Desafio: Mohammed Yousef | Kuwait

Grown Up Too Soon
In a small Syrian refugee camp on the Syrian-Jordanian border, there are no adults in sight as they are
out looking for work. In the pitiful conditions, a small girl is left carrying her young infant sister who is
draped in a dirty old blanket.


5º lugar Desafio: Anton Unitsyn | Russian Federation

Angels of the Clinic
Time goes by very slowly in a cancer clinic for children in the Russian city of Novosibirsk. Despite the
challenges and difficulties faced by the youngsters, they smile and play around as if everything is fine.



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